Sunday, June 20, 2010
Disney Loves to KILL Mothers!
I know that may sound a little harsh but it's true! The other day I was watching, “Finding Nemo” and my niece got upset in the beginning because Nemo's mother died. For whatever reason I then began to think about it and you know, many of Disney's most classic movies have nurturing good mothers until one day, BLAMO! The mother gets killed off quicker than a dumb blonde in a horror movie. So now lets go through the Disney Classics to further prove our point.
7. Pocahontas
a. Her mother had died while giving birth to her.
6. Cinderella
a. Mother dies leaving her alone and her father remarries leaving her with a mean step-mother.
5. Aladdin
a. Aladdin’s father left and mother died leaving him an orphan.
4. Beauty and the Beast
a. The main character’s mother dies and she is raised solely by her father.
3. Tarzan
a. Tarzan’s mother dies of natural causes leaving him in the Jungle alone with the apes.
2. Jungle Book
a. Mogali's parents die leaving him alone to be raised by wolves.
1. Bambi
a. Possibly the most emotionally scaring of all the Disney mother deaths; Bambi’s mom gets blown away by a hunter and single handedly made 1,000’s of life long vegetarians overnight.
Interestingly enough, there are only two Disney movies with both parents present and don't die during the movie (do you know which ones?). The legend goes that after the massive success of his first major production, Snow White, Walt Disney purchased a new home for his parents. The furnace in the house was faulty and eventually led to his mother dieing from asphyxiation. This deeply hurt Walt Disney and is thought by some to be the main cause of the lack of maternal figures in his movies. This incident had happened before the production of Bambi which clearly display's Walt Disney's feelings for his mother.
So it seems that there is a logical explanation for Disney's killing of mothers in it's movies. If you can think of the two Disney movies that don't have dead parents in them be sure to leave a comment.
Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Top 5 Reasons Sask Businesses Need Websites Now!
Now I know what you’re thinking, “this is a web design business writing an article about why I need a website? Ppffff I’m skeptical” and, as in most cases, this would be the right approach to take, so I commend you. But in this blog entry, I am going to realistically describe why, in our province, any reputable business should at least be thinking about bringing their company online.
As we all know quite well, Saskatchewan and its cities are the best kept secret in Canada! Even with our long winters, the people here are the friendliest and most courteous you will find anywhere (take a trip to New York for a good contrast), the summers are beautiful and so are the women. In fact, Macleans magazine recently described Saskatoon as “Paris of the Prairies” and went a step further, saying Saskatoon “topped the list” as the most socially engaged and most literate cities in Canada! But even more interesting than this is that according to the most recent study by Statistic’s Canada, Saskatchewan cities have the highest web-usage in the country! Saskatoon has the highest with 89%. That is nine points above the national average!
So what does this mean? Well from a logical perspective, any business that doesn’t have a website will most likely be missing out on a tonne of business!
If you’re still not convinced, here is “The Top 5 Reason’s Saskatchewan Businesses Need Websites Now!”
1. Levels The Playing Field and Expands Your Market!
This is one of the best things about the Internet and it scares some of the biggest companies in nearly every industry. Even if you’re just starting out, if you have a website that looks credible and professional, you can compete with anyone, including the big boys.
By having a website, your market will expand greatly and customers that you never thought possible will begin to contact you. In fact, as of December 2009, over 1.8 billion people now have access to the Internet in 123 countries.
Also, the online market is a great place to refer potential investors, tell them the story behind your company, how it achieved what it has and what it can achieve in the future.
2. Websites Are Very Cheap Compared To Other Forms of Advertising!
Here’s a test, what do most people these days do when they hear about a business?
a) Look it up in the Yellow Pages
b) Type the industry (ex: Saskatoon Landscaping) in an online search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
c) Type the business name (ex: Stealth Web Designs) in an online search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
d) Both b) and c)
Correct Answer: If you answered d) you are right! But depending on the industry, Yellow Pages can still be a phenomenal place to put an ad for your business but the questions is that once you have a Yellow pages ad, where do you direct people to learn more about your business?
3. Websites Never Close!
Today, office hours are gaining importance as customers are raising their expectations for how long businesses should stay open. Luckily, with a website you don’t have to turn customers away anymore when you have to close down shop or feel bad when you shut down for the holiday’s. It’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
4. Gain Credibility!
With a well designed and programmed website, you can take your businesses reputation to the next level. This way you can “wow” your customers even while you’re sleeping!
5. Add Value To Your Service!
If you offer your customers the convenience of a website you improve your customer service and in turn, you add an element of value to your product or service that your customers will appreciate and get satisfaction from. With the right content, you can offer the customer value through advice, tips and other industry specific content that will keep them coming back for more.
There are many other reasons to get a website these days but ultimately the decision is up to you. With nearly every business in every industry going online, it may be time for you to consider it as well.
Stealth has been helping Saskatchewan businesses big and small go online since 2006 and would welcome the opportunity to meet you.
We make websites that stand out… in a good way! Get a Stealth Website; Your Competition Won’t Know What Hit Them!
Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!