Friday, September 24, 2010

Saskatchewan Born NHL Player Needs Your Help!

Hey readers,

I have recently heard that Kelly Chase (a former Saskatchewan blade) is going to be appearing on "Battle of the Blades" on CBC. This stuck me as odd since Kelly has been known as a very good fighter in the NHL and I had a hard time seeing him as a figure skater (since he had such a tough guy appearance I thought he had probably beat up figure skaters as a kid).

But interestingly enough, Kelly turns out to be a great guy! Even though he was an enforcer in the NHL, I have only heard great things about him. He is a guy who truly cares about his community and has in fact joined up with one of Saskatchewan's favorite charities, "The Children's Hospital Foundation" to raise some money for the new hospital!

So here is where Kelly and the Children’s Hospital need your help. As a Saskatchewan kid we need to support him and vote as many times as possible so he gets far and raises lots of money for our new kids hospital! The first episode airs on September 26th, 2010 so check it out and vote lots!

Also, at the bottom of this blog, I have embedded some great fights Kelly has done in the past. That way, you can contrast these examples of pure testosterone with the triple sow cows he will be doing on Battle of the Blades!

Have a great week and see you next Friday!



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: Web:
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada


Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Should We Kill The Victoria Bridge In Saskatoon?

Hey Readers,

I love the city of Saskatoon and always have but lately there has been some ridiculous controversy over a problem that should be straightforward. There is a bridge in our great city called the Victoria Bridge. The nice people of Saskatoon know it as the, "crappy little bridge that you feel like you're going to scrape against every car you pass or rip your side view mirror off on the railing" bridge.

In September of 2005, the city of Saskatoon closed it down for inspection. They found major problems in corrosion along with many other dangerous elements that could cause the thing to keel over at any time. Anyone who has taken a close look at the bridge knows this as it looks like a rusted out Cadillac El Dorado. That's why we were all surprised when they re-opened it to the public and had been until recently (late August 2010).

Now, I know what you're saying, who cares about a boring old bridge? I agree but this story becomes more interesting when the discussions begin on what to do about the decrepit bridge. The rational side is saying to take the thing down and build a strong, mighty, new and improved bridge. This would cost the city a bit of money but it's a main part of our infrastructure and needs to be taken care of. I live on Broadway and without that bridge it makes traffic horrendous around my area so I'm all for the quick and clean fix.

The other side of the argument is interesting but difficult to side with. They did win the city officials over way back in 2005 by saying that the bridge is an important part of our history (which it is). Since then, the city has put some Elmer's glue on the trusses and let the citizens to continue to drive over it for over 5 years because it looks pretty and people like the rush they get when they come in near death experiences driving across it.

The city also decided it would be a great idea to put Christmas lights on it... get this, year round! Yay!

Hey, I'm very much an optimist and for me, Christmas is the best time of the year! But even I think flashing colored lights on a landmark will make it look tacky. I think we should take this same philosophy to the Louvre and add strobe lights to the Mona Lisa! That would be a great idea!

But the tackiness of the year round Christmas lights aside, are you wondering how much it cost? What's your guess? K, you may want to guess big. I mean, it is only Christmas lights but you have to keep in mind the city is putting them up. So are you ready for the real number? IT WAS $462,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY! The real lesson to be learned here is don't hire the city of Saskatoon to put up your lights this winter or you may have to re-mortgage the house.

So should we keep the Victoria Bridge? The answer is no. Why? Because we can either keep spending hundred's of thousands (if not millions) continually inspecting it, adding Christmas decorations and adding Elmer's glue so we can just to delay the inevitable OR just do the dirty work and replace a rotted bridge with a new shiny one.

We are an amazing city with a great economy and friendly people. Do we really want the City of Bridges to start crumbling? I think not.



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: Web:
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada


Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, September 10, 2010

What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know!

Not only do businesses today need websites, they need websites that are well designed, professionally programmed and have the right marketing strategy to back them up. To further illustrate this point, stories have been coming out lately describing Saskatoon’s recent domination in web usage compared to any other province! What happened? I thought we were supposed to be a bunch of farmers in Saskatchewan?

Well according to recent polls it looks like Saskatoon is the most Internet Savvy city in Canada! In fact, News Talk 650’s website says it best, “You will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t use the Internet in Saskatoon. According to Statistics Canada the city (Saskatoon) has the highest web-usage in the country with 89% compared to the national average of 80%”!

So, that’s right, even though we are known as farmers in Saskatchewan we have the highest percentage of Internet users in the country!

This essentially means that if you own a business and it does not have a website, your competitors are most likely taking away all that potential business. These days, the average person rarely uses the phone book (this is becoming exceedingly true in Saskatchewan). More people now tend to go online to find the business they need as opposed to any other method.

When more and more users going online to find what they are looking for, a new industry called “Search Engine Optimization” is coming more into play. With “SEO”, a few experienced web developers can not only make you a great website but they can also make sure that it appears above all your competitors. Just imagine, how great would it be if a potential customer searches a keyword that is related to your business (ex: Saskatoon Cars) and your website appears first, above all your competitors! As the Internet is the great equalizer, no matter how big your company is, it can appear as big and credible as you would like it to be, that is, if you have a good enough web developer.

If you would like to learn more about getting a unique website that stands out and getting to the top of the search engines feel free to call Stealth Web Designs, mention the pass code “PRAXIS ROCKS” and we will give you a free consultation! That is over a $100 value and it’s yours for free!

Cheers and good luck!


Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: Web:
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada


Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!