Monday, April 11, 2011

10 Dumb Ideas that Made A Ton of Money

It's been shown through history that people will buy the dumbest things. In today's world of people shelling out their credit cards to buy "Snuggies", "Shake Weights" and "Sham Wow's" the dumb idea business is bigger than ever.

It seems like these idea's are so dumb that they become a novelty, and with enough exposure, good novelties can sell like hot cakes.

On that note, here are some really dumb idea's that made a TON of money. Well, maybe they're not so dumb after all...

1. Pet Rock

One of the most famous dumb idea's that turned out to be brilliant. The concept was simply get a rock, put in a box with hay and sell it for the low price of $4.99.

Who knew such a ridiculous idea would sell millions.

2. Billy the Big Mouth Bass

I'm sure everyone remembers "Billy the Big Mouth Bass". This was a novelty that routinely sold out as people wanted to adorn their cabins and trailers with them.

3. Antenna balls

Who thought Styrofoam balls on your car antenna would be such a money maker? Many businesses gave these away as they were pretty low cost and people loved them.

4. Mood Rings

Everyone remember's these. They're quite ugly but fun as they were supposed to show you your mood. That being said, do you really need a ring to tell you your mood?

5. Tumbleweed Farm

The Prairie Tumbleweed Farm is selling tumbleweeds to places all over the world. Who would of thought people would buy weeds?

6. The Flowbee

A very ridiculous product that was part clipper and part vacuum. It was said to give a "precision haircut" with little mess.

7. Santa Mail

I think this is a simple but brilliant idea. Charge $9.95 to get a reply letter from Santa. It say's they've already done 300,000... with simple math that works out to A LOT OF MONEY.

8. The Million Dollar Home Page

Wow, you could have bought a piece of this blog for only a dollar! Seems like a pretty goofy idea but this 21 year old entrepreneur sold them all... not bad for a one page website.

9. Berlin Wall Pieces

Now this is a great opportunity! For only $55 you can buy a small piece of the Berlin Wall, $80-$150 for a medium piece and only $290 and up for an "Executive Piece". Great deals except for the fact that they could just send you a piece of concrete on a plaque and take your money. But it sounds like he has done pretty good.

10. Doggles

Who would have thought that making glasses for dogs would be such a big money maker? However, I'm not too sure how these people got these on their dogs...







Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Top 5 Inspirational Video's On The Internet!

Hey Readers,

Ever so often you come across something that inspires you and pretty much makes your day. I have been posting inspirational video's on our facebook page (check it out here) for some time now and I believe I have come across some pretty amazing ones thus far.

So in order to inspire you, I wanted to give you a collection of the top 5 best inspirational video's on the Internet. Hope you love em!

Fifth Place

Fourth Place

Third Place

Second Place

First Place

If you liked these video's be sure to go like our Facebook page. By doing so, you'll get great inspirational posts that will make your day time and time again.

Have a great day and talk soon,



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