Sunday, July 4, 2010

Should We Train Our Kids As Entrepreneurs?

Traditionally, we have been training our kids to go to school and then proceed to try to get a good job. This does seem like the best goal to guide our kids towards but there is an entirely different career that more kids should be striving for.

I found this interesting video from our free LinkedIn group, "Linked n Saskatoon" where Clayton Lane from Investors Group posted this fascinating TED talk from the owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, Cameron Herold. The talk is called "Let's Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs" and is worth checking out. In the talk, Cameron talks about how society teaches kids to shoot for becoming lawyers, doctors, dentists, teachers, writers, actors, etc. when it should be pushing them to be entrepreneurs. Personally, I was lucky enough to have two wealthy uncles that I always looked up to that were and are passionate business owners that have taken up a main section of my motivation for years but many kids aren't so privileged. Many only know that they should strive to do well in school and their life will be successful. Unfortunately, not everyone is the same and I agree with Cameron Herold in that some people were never meant to work the traditional jobs.

In his talk, Cameron touches on five ways parents can teach their kids to break the mold and become more entrepreneurial. They include things such as; teaching them not to waste money, getting them to negotiate for allowances, letting the kids tell you stories, and to manage their own money. But the main point that he touched on was to be constantly nurturing entrepreneurial traits in them including: sales, networking, handling failure, customer service, attainment and many others.

This was a brilliant speech by Cameron and I would say I have to agree with him and when I have kids, they will be raised as entrepreneurs.





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