Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 10 Unintentionally Hilarious Company Domains

Hey readers,

In our industry we register domain names for websites all the time however, in some cases, when the website name is put together it can have disastrously hilarious results.

For example here are the Top 10 Unintentionally Hilarious Company Domains (list from agylen.com):

1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is www.whorepresents.com

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at www.expertsexchange.com

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at www.penisland.net

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at www.therapistfinder.com

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company… www.powergenitalia.com

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales: www.molestationnursery.com

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always www.ipanywhere.com

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is www.cummingfirst.com

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website: www.speedofart.com

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at www.gotahoe.com

We want to hear what you think... feel free to leave a comment!



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oprah's Brand New Giveaway!

Hey readers,

Oprah has given away many impressive things to her audience but this one takes the cake!

Here's a .gif of Oprah's brand new giveaway!




Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Here's a link to the original article - Visit for a larger version of the gif :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ze Frank and His Goofy Projects!

Hey readers,

So there have been some pretty strange things happening on the Internet ever since it first became popular in the nineties. From funny pictures of Cats to millions spending hours everyday on Facebook there have been huge progressions over the past decade or so.

A few days ago I stumbled upon a very interesting video of a guy named Ze Frank. It was a Ted Talk video where he was doing a speech on some of the latest Internet projects he has been working on. I found them fascinating and I'm sure you will as well.

Here is his Ted Talk where he discusses his latest projects.

Have a great week!



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Keep Voting For Kelly Chase On Battle of the Blades!

Hey readers,

Keep voting for our good friend of Saskatchewan, Kelly Chase as he continues his mission to raise money for our much needed Children's Hospital! Kelly and his partner Kyoko Ina are doing great representing our province on the national stage and we need to repay them with our support!

Call 1-877-844-8156 to vote for Kelly and Kyoko or text 56 to 777111 (15 cents per vote) or cbc/battle and click "vote".

Let's all band together and make this happen not only for Kelly, not only for Saskatchewan, but for the Saskatchewan Childrens Hospital Foundation!



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Saskatchewan Born NHL Player Needs Your Help!

Hey readers,

I have recently heard that Kelly Chase (a former Saskatchewan blade) is going to be appearing on "Battle of the Blades" on CBC. This stuck me as odd since Kelly has been known as a very good fighter in the NHL and I had a hard time seeing him as a figure skater (since he had such a tough guy appearance I thought he had probably beat up figure skaters as a kid).

But interestingly enough, Kelly turns out to be a great guy! Even though he was an enforcer in the NHL, I have only heard great things about him. He is a guy who truly cares about his community and has in fact joined up with one of Saskatchewan's favorite charities, "The Children's Hospital Foundation" to raise some money for the new hospital!

So here is where Kelly and the Children’s Hospital need your help. As a Saskatchewan kid we need to support him and vote as many times as possible so he gets far and raises lots of money for our new kids hospital! The first episode airs on September 26th, 2010 so check it out and vote lots!

Also, at the bottom of this blog, I have embedded some great fights Kelly has done in the past. That way, you can contrast these examples of pure testosterone with the triple sow cows he will be doing on Battle of the Blades!

Have a great week and see you next Friday!



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Should We Kill The Victoria Bridge In Saskatoon?

Hey Readers,

I love the city of Saskatoon and always have but lately there has been some ridiculous controversy over a problem that should be straightforward. There is a bridge in our great city called the Victoria Bridge. The nice people of Saskatoon know it as the, "crappy little bridge that you feel like you're going to scrape against every car you pass or rip your side view mirror off on the railing" bridge.

In September of 2005, the city of Saskatoon closed it down for inspection. They found major problems in corrosion along with many other dangerous elements that could cause the thing to keel over at any time. Anyone who has taken a close look at the bridge knows this as it looks like a rusted out Cadillac El Dorado. That's why we were all surprised when they re-opened it to the public and had been until recently (late August 2010).

Now, I know what you're saying, who cares about a boring old bridge? I agree but this story becomes more interesting when the discussions begin on what to do about the decrepit bridge. The rational side is saying to take the thing down and build a strong, mighty, new and improved bridge. This would cost the city a bit of money but it's a main part of our infrastructure and needs to be taken care of. I live on Broadway and without that bridge it makes traffic horrendous around my area so I'm all for the quick and clean fix.

The other side of the argument is interesting but difficult to side with. They did win the city officials over way back in 2005 by saying that the bridge is an important part of our history (which it is). Since then, the city has put some Elmer's glue on the trusses and let the citizens to continue to drive over it for over 5 years because it looks pretty and people like the rush they get when they come in near death experiences driving across it.

The city also decided it would be a great idea to put Christmas lights on it... get this, year round! Yay!

Hey, I'm very much an optimist and for me, Christmas is the best time of the year! But even I think flashing colored lights on a landmark will make it look tacky. I think we should take this same philosophy to the Louvre and add strobe lights to the Mona Lisa! That would be a great idea!

But the tackiness of the year round Christmas lights aside, are you wondering how much it cost? What's your guess? K, you may want to guess big. I mean, it is only Christmas lights but you have to keep in mind the city is putting them up. So are you ready for the real number? IT WAS $462,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY! The real lesson to be learned here is don't hire the city of Saskatoon to put up your lights this winter or you may have to re-mortgage the house.

So should we keep the Victoria Bridge? The answer is no. Why? Because we can either keep spending hundred's of thousands (if not millions) continually inspecting it, adding Christmas decorations and adding Elmer's glue so we can just to delay the inevitable OR just do the dirty work and replace a rotted bridge with a new shiny one.

We are an amazing city with a great economy and friendly people. Do we really want the City of Bridges to start crumbling? I think not.



Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Friday, September 10, 2010

What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know!

Not only do businesses today need websites, they need websites that are well designed, professionally programmed and have the right marketing strategy to back them up. To further illustrate this point, stories have been coming out lately describing Saskatoon’s recent domination in web usage compared to any other province! What happened? I thought we were supposed to be a bunch of farmers in Saskatchewan?

Well according to recent polls it looks like Saskatoon is the most Internet Savvy city in Canada! In fact, News Talk 650’s website says it best, “You will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t use the Internet in Saskatoon. According to Statistics Canada the city (Saskatoon) has the highest web-usage in the country with 89% compared to the national average of 80%”!

So, that’s right, even though we are known as farmers in Saskatchewan we have the highest percentage of Internet users in the country!

This essentially means that if you own a business and it does not have a website, your competitors are most likely taking away all that potential business. These days, the average person rarely uses the phone book (this is becoming exceedingly true in Saskatchewan). More people now tend to go online to find the business they need as opposed to any other method.

When more and more users going online to find what they are looking for, a new industry called “Search Engine Optimization” is coming more into play. With “SEO”, a few experienced web developers can not only make you a great website but they can also make sure that it appears above all your competitors. Just imagine, how great would it be if a potential customer searches a keyword that is related to your business (ex: Saskatoon Cars) and your website appears first, above all your competitors! As the Internet is the great equalizer, no matter how big your company is, it can appear as big and credible as you would like it to be, that is, if you have a good enough web developer.

If you would like to learn more about getting a unique website that stands out and getting to the top of the search engines feel free to call Stealth Web Designs, mention the pass code “PRAXIS ROCKS” and we will give you a free consultation! That is over a $100 value and it’s yours for free!

Cheers and good luck!


Stealth Web Designs
Ryan S. Yedersberger – Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Your Competition Won't Know What Hit Them!

Office: (306) 978-9018 Cell: (306) 251-1005
E-mail: ryan@stealthwd.ca Web: www.stealthwd.ca
1107 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada



Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Turning Plastic Into Oil? Genius!

Hello Readers,

Something amazing has been discovered that you need to see and spread the word to everyone you know! The CEO of a Japanese company called Blest had gotten tired of seeing inefficient ways of disposing of plastic waste in his country. Japan has big population problems and, in turn, waste has been a growing problem for a number of years. In order to solve this problem he uncovered a brilliant idea that would revolutionize the world!

As you may know, plastic is made largely out of oil and do you know how much plastic waste is currently destroying the earth? Hmmm only around many millions of tones of it, including a giant island of it sitting in the North Pacific Ocean estimated to be larger than the state of Texas called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This may start to give you a clue that it may be time to start doing something about it.

And why not? Akinori Ito of the Blest Company’s idea would provide enough incentive to do something about it. The idea is that since plastic was initially made out of oil, there's no reason it couldn't be turned back into its original state! Akinori's machine does just that! Watch the video below to see him change plastic into oil in a matter of minutes simply out of plastic garbage!

Plastic to Oil from the Documentary: Our World 2.0

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

What do you guys think of this? Is this the answer to deal with our major waste problems?







Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hilarious Pictures

Hey Readers,

A new trend is going around the Internet called "Commixed" Pictures. Some of them have been pretty funny so I decided to included them in my blog. Enjoy!







Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bruce Willis Unveils The Brand New Cologne: SMELL HARD!

As a man, you have always wondered what it would be like to smell like Chuck Norris. Since that feat is not only absurd but also impossible we have now uncovered the next best thing! Now, through a sophisticated, pain stackingly strenuous process of swabbing Bruce Willis's armpits with Q-Tips they have now come out with the manliest scent possible!

It has been released recently that the name of the Cologne will be "Bruce Willis". This is clearly far from original and quite boring so in my opposition to this ridiculous naming of a cologne with so much potential I have developed the name, packaging, slogan and everything else so they can simply change their entire marketing plan to accommodate my indifference :).

Cheers and your welcome Bruce Willis,






Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Promote A Facebook Fan Page!

Hey guys,

So a lot of business owners these days have decided to start Facebook groups for their company. Here are a few tips on how to promote your group or fan page so that you have a few more fans!

Facebook Ads

If you hope to send your Facebook fans to your website and convert them to customers, whether through an ecommerce purchase, clicking on an AdSense ad/Affiliate link/advertising banner, or getting them to sign up for your newsletter/email list/etc, spending a few dollars each month to get highly targeted customers is worth it.

Facebook Photo Tagging

Want to reach friends of your current fans? Ask your fans to:
• Take a picture with you/your business/product/something related
• Upload the picture to your Facebook page
• Tag themselves in the picture they just uploaded
Just as an example, I could have people upload pictures of cocktails to my page then tag themselves. Those photos would then appear on my Facebook fan page in a "Fan Photos" folder, but more importantly, those photos will appear in the fan's profile stream and their friends -- who may not yet be fans of your page -- will see those photos and that someone/your page is tagged.

"Follow Me" on Facebook

This one is simple: at the end of your blog posts, add a clickable link (whether through straight html or one of the social bookmarking plugins) that suggests that if the reader liked the content, they become a fan of yours on Facebook.

Encourage Comments

Post questions and polls and post timely information to encourage current fans to comment, share, and "like" your posts. Every time a fan comments or likes a post, your post will show up in their friends' Facebook stream, making your page visible to an untapped group of potential fans.

Ask Your Friends

If you're just starting out with a Facebook Page and have zero followers, asking your friends for a mercy "Like" might be a good starting point. All of your other marketing efforts will be in vain if a potential fan sees that no one else likes your page.

To ask your friends to "Like" your Facebook page, visit your page and click on the "Suggest to friends" link under the profile picture on your page. A pop up box will then appear that asks you to select which friends should get your invitation, and you'll also have an opportunity to write a message.

Use Keywords

Facebook and Google announced that they would be indexing Facebook posts as long as those posts and pages weren't private, so ensure that your posts, page, and URL is optimized for popular keywords.
A popular keyword for a URL (such as facebook.com/twitter) means that with enough links, your Facebook page could appear in search engines when someone searches for Twitter. Similarly, your Facebook page could appear in search engines for your name, company name, or one of your products or services.


The more high quality links there are to a site, the more likely that site is to appear within the search engines. This is a very complicated process that we have looked into for years.

Post Regularly

Last but not least, you have to maintain your Facebook Page so that you don't lose your current fans, but also so that potential fans have incentive to join (to get up to date information) and to encourage current fans to help promote your page. If you're only checking in on your page once a month and posting irregularly, you're likely to lose fans -- especially if they joined then forgot about you and all of a sudden see your post in their stream. If you keep your fans up to date and post regularly, they'll become familiar with seeing your page in their stream and are less likely to click "unlike." Just make sure to continue posting relative, timely, and informative content.

Cheers and good luck,






Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Ultimate Flash Websites of 2010

Hello Reader,

Even though Steve Jobs seems to be on a mission lately to take Flash of the Internet, it can still be used to make phenomenal websites. Even with their major drawbacks in things such as Search Engine Optimization and load times, they can add an element of user interaction with a website that static websites just can't allow for. To properly exemplify my point, I have scoured the Internet to bring you some of the best designed Flash website on the Internet today.

1. Labuat - One of the most amazing user integration designs I have experienced, you'll love it! - click here to check it out

2. Monoface - A hilarious way to pass the time and a brilliantly creative website for the advertising firm Monoface - click here to check it out

3. Toyota Prius - A very cool and unique layout with innovative character development - click here to check it out

4. AgencyNet - A strange but innovative site. It's loading menu's are just as cool as the site itself - click here to check it out

5. Jim Carrey's Website - A website as weird, creative and funny as the man himself - click here to check it out

6. Getty Images, Moodstream - A strange website that allows the user to manipulate nearly every part of the photo experience - click here to check it out

7. Don't Click It - A flash site designed in such a way that you don't need to click - click here to check it out

8. Coke's Happiness Factory - Great loading menu's, character design and games ... and we would expect nothing less from Coke - click here to check it out

These are extremely innovative websites that took a lot of time and money to create but as you can see, they are completely worth it. If done right, flash websites can create an experience for your target market that can't be duplicated by any other medium. Stay away Steve Jobs!








Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Friday, July 30, 2010

YouTube Is Making Film Makers Famous!

YouTube is a phenomenal tool that is finding new uses everyday. A very interesting phenomena emerging online that is sure to create some of the top directors in hollywood within the next ten years. Today, there are very talented film makers performing quality projects as YouTube partners. They essentially take a portion of the advertising revenue that their videos generate and some are making tons of money!

Even better, these talented artists are getting exposure to major film companies and are sure to obtain high ranking jobs in Hollywood.

Part 2 - Film Production

Some of the best film makers I have stumbled upon will be highlighted below. You have to check these guys out!

1. Funemployed Web Series - Wong Fu Productions and KevJumba

This is a great web series that took full advantage of a brilliant marketing plan, good acting, good composing and just overall raw talent. This was a very entertaining series compiled of 12 or so 5 minute videos! In our busy lifestyles these days, why not have a web series with short episodes. I know I enjoyed it!

2. CorridorDigital and freddiew

I'm a big fan of both these YouTube accounts. Freddiew is a guy named Freddie who posted very creative YouTube videos every week. He is very talented in almost all areas film production but seems to specialize in audio and visual effects.

Corridor digital is a great account to follow as well as they often make very cool videos then show tutorials of how to do them yourself. They often collaborate with Freddie to combine their talents and make very impressive films (ex: check out the Modern Warfare video's below)

Sample of Freddiew's work

Sample of collaboration between CorridorDigital and Freddiew's

These are just some of my favorite film makers on YouTube that I believe have a ton of potential. I truly believe these artists are leading the way in a huge emerging online industry and expect to see it grow rapidly within the next half decade.


Ryan S. Yedersberger






Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Successfully Participate In LinkedIn Groups!

I thought it was necessary to comment on this topic as I have been receiving a fair amount of questions as to how use LinkedIn Groups effectively for networking and marketing.

Linked In Groups can be phenomenal tools that take very little time and are very easy to contribute to. With only 30 minutes once a week (or less), you can build up some very successful relationships all from the comfort of your office or home and it's free!

Together we have established a useful resource through "Linked n Saskatoon" and we now have a large community for our great city to use! We can connect with fellow Saskatoonian's and Saskatchewanite's to help get each other business, send invites to events, post jobs, increase traffic to your business blog, share interesting articles, have debates through discussions and much more!

I could rant for hours on how to use Linked In effectively but in order to keep this email short I've attempted to sum it up to only 6 simple and easy-to-follow steps.

1. Be Strategic In Which Groups You Join.

Find the groups that apply to your business or personal interest and join them (you can join up to 50 but only join as many as you can actively participate in)

2. Post and Reply to Discussions/Articles

If you read a lot of news this is a great opportunity to find out what others think on issues and it allows you to connect with local business people. Also, you can post articles to many Linked In groups all at the same time!

3. Post Job Openings/Business Leads Others May Be Interested In

If you are looking for successful business people in Saskatoon, look no further than our group, "Linked n Saskatoon". Our members include some great up and comers in our city and it is a great place to look for potential recruits for your company. (Plus it takes 2 minutes and is free!)

4. Engage Other Members Whenever Possible

Reply to member comments on both discussions and articles to start conversations/debates and make new connections and friends!

5. Invite Connections That Would Benefit

This is a great reason to connect with someone you haven't talked to in a while and give them a great resource to connect with other local people.

6. Start Doing These Steps As Soon As You Join And Don't Give Up!

Have fun posting articles, discussions and jobs but make sure you contribute to the comments as much as possible as that is the best way to develop meaningful relationships on Linked In!

Just by following these easy steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful Social Media Networker!

Thanks to you, we now have over 130 members from Saskatoon! Let's keep inviting others who would benefit, see how big we can make our community and we all will benefit as we are all in this together!

Hopefully this helped and feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.

Cheers and happy networking!

Ryan S. Yedersberger






Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

YouTube Is Making Musicians Famous?

YouTube is a phenomenal tool that is finding new uses everyday. Unless you have been sitting under a rock you have heard of the Canadian “teeny bopper” sensation, “Justin Bieber”. He has become exceedingly famous from originally posting videos of himself singing in his room on YouTube. Pretty soon Usher, a renowned R&B singer, saw him singing and eventually decided to sign him to his label.

This Justin Bieber kid is only the first of many artists that are starting to begin being noticed on YouTube. More and more label scouts are beginning to give the site more credence and that leaves a huge opportunity for anyone with some talent and a camera to begin getting noticed!

Part 1 - Music

In terms of Music there are a number of bands that are using the website much like MySpace has been used to build up a fan following so that when their CD's are released; there are a number of eager fans ready to hand over their hard earned cash. This has been done through a number of ways but one of the most effective strategies is to make weekly, short two to three minute video's talking about things that the people who would be interested in the music you play would be interested in or by answering common questions your viewers may be asking.

A Canadian who is doing this quite well is Lisa Lavie. Below is a video showing her answering questions that her fans have been asking frequently.

These types of videos (along with you performing your music) help to develop relationships with your fan base and lead to higher sales upon the release of a CD. They can also, in some cases, lead to a record deal and many of the new bands that are coming out lately have serious talent and may one day get signed by a major label.

The most popular R&B band on YouTube called “Ahmir” is a powerhouse in the online music scene that, if they keep working as hard as they have been, will surely become the next big thing in music upon getting signed.

So that’s it! Just keep making video’s for YouTube all while addressing the fans you are getting and you are sure to be rewarded with fame and financial success.







Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Should We Train Our Kids As Entrepreneurs?

Traditionally, we have been training our kids to go to school and then proceed to try to get a good job. This does seem like the best goal to guide our kids towards but there is an entirely different career that more kids should be striving for.

I found this interesting video from our free LinkedIn group, "Linked n Saskatoon" where Clayton Lane from Investors Group posted this fascinating TED talk from the owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, Cameron Herold. The talk is called "Let's Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs" and is worth checking out. In the talk, Cameron talks about how society teaches kids to shoot for becoming lawyers, doctors, dentists, teachers, writers, actors, etc. when it should be pushing them to be entrepreneurs. Personally, I was lucky enough to have two wealthy uncles that I always looked up to that were and are passionate business owners that have taken up a main section of my motivation for years but many kids aren't so privileged. Many only know that they should strive to do well in school and their life will be successful. Unfortunately, not everyone is the same and I agree with Cameron Herold in that some people were never meant to work the traditional jobs.

In his talk, Cameron touches on five ways parents can teach their kids to break the mold and become more entrepreneurial. They include things such as; teaching them not to waste money, getting them to negotiate for allowances, letting the kids tell you stories, and to manage their own money. But the main point that he touched on was to be constantly nurturing entrepreneurial traits in them including: sales, networking, handling failure, customer service, attainment and many others.

This was a brilliant speech by Cameron and I would say I have to agree with him and when I have kids, they will be raised as entrepreneurs.







Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Disney Loves to KILL Mothers!

I know that may sound a little harsh but it's true! The other day I was watching, “Finding Nemo” and my niece got upset in the beginning because Nemo's mother died. For whatever reason I then began to think about it and you know, many of Disney's most classic movies have nurturing good mothers until one day, BLAMO! The mother gets killed off quicker than a dumb blonde in a horror movie. So now lets go through the Disney Classics to further prove our point.

7. Pocahontas
a. Her mother had died while giving birth to her.

6. Cinderella
a. Mother dies leaving her alone and her father remarries leaving her with a mean step-mother.

5. Aladdin
a. Aladdin’s father left and mother died leaving him an orphan.

4. Beauty and the Beast
a. The main character’s mother dies and she is raised solely by her father.

3. Tarzan
a. Tarzan’s mother dies of natural causes leaving him in the Jungle alone with the apes.

2. Jungle Book
a. Mogali's parents die leaving him alone to be raised by wolves.

1. Bambi
a. Possibly the most emotionally scaring of all the Disney mother deaths; Bambi’s mom gets blown away by a hunter and single handedly made 1,000’s of life long vegetarians overnight.

Interestingly enough, there are only two Disney movies with both parents present and don't die during the movie (do you know which ones?). The legend goes that after the massive success of his first major production, Snow White, Walt Disney purchased a new home for his parents. The furnace in the house was faulty and eventually led to his mother dieing from asphyxiation. This deeply hurt Walt Disney and is thought by some to be the main cause of the lack of maternal figures in his movies. This incident had happened before the production of Bambi which clearly display's Walt Disney's feelings for his mother.

So it seems that there is a logical explanation for Disney's killing of mothers in it's movies. If you can think of the two Disney movies that don't have dead parents in them be sure to leave a comment.





Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!


Monday, June 7, 2010

The Top 5 Reasons Sask Businesses Need Websites Now!

Saskatoon Web Design Top 5  Reasons


Now I know what you’re thinking, “this is a web design business writing an article about why I need a website? Ppffff I’m skeptical” and, as in most cases, this would be the right approach to take, so I commend you. But in this blog entry, I am going to realistically describe why, in our province, any reputable business should at least be thinking about bringing their company online.

As we all know quite well, Saskatchewan and its cities are the best kept secret in Canada! Even with our long winters, the people here are the friendliest and most courteous you will find anywhere (take a trip to New York for a good contrast), the summers are beautiful and so are the women. In fact, Macleans magazine recently described Saskatoon as “Paris of the Prairies” and went a step further, saying Saskatoon “topped the list” as the most socially engaged and most literate cities in Canada! But even more interesting than this is that according to the most recent study by Statistic’s Canada, Saskatchewan cities have the highest web-usage in the country! Saskatoon has the highest with 89%. That is nine points above the national average!

So what does this mean? Well from a logical perspective, any business that doesn’t have a website will most likely be missing out on a tonne of business!

If you’re still not convinced, here is “The Top 5 Reason’s Saskatchewan Businesses Need Websites Now!”

1. Levels The Playing Field and Expands Your Market!

This is one of the best things about the Internet and it scares some of the biggest companies in nearly every industry. Even if you’re just starting out, if you have a website that looks credible and professional, you can compete with anyone, including the big boys.
By having a website, your market will expand greatly and customers that you never thought possible will begin to contact you. In fact, as of December 2009, over 1.8 billion people now have access to the Internet in 123 countries.

Also, the online market is a great place to refer potential investors, tell them the story behind your company, how it achieved what it has and what it can achieve in the future.

2. Websites Are Very Cheap Compared To Other Forms of Advertising!

Here’s a test, what do most people these days do when they hear about a business?

a) Look it up in the Yellow Pages
b) Type the industry (ex: Saskatoon Landscaping) in an online search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
c) Type the business name (ex: Stealth Web Designs) in an online search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
d) Both b) and c)

Correct Answer: If you answered d) you are right! But depending on the industry, Yellow Pages can still be a phenomenal place to put an ad for your business but the questions is that once you have a Yellow pages ad, where do you direct people to learn more about your business?

3. Websites Never Close!

Today, office hours are gaining importance as customers are raising their expectations for how long businesses should stay open. Luckily, with a website you don’t have to turn customers away anymore when you have to close down shop or feel bad when you shut down for the holiday’s. It’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

4. Gain Credibility!

With a well designed and programmed website, you can take your businesses reputation to the next level. This way you can “wow” your customers even while you’re sleeping!

5. Add Value To Your Service!

If you offer your customers the convenience of a website you improve your customer service and in turn, you add an element of value to your product or service that your customers will appreciate and get satisfaction from. With the right content, you can offer the customer value through advice, tips and other industry specific content that will keep them coming back for more.

There are many other reasons to get a website these days but ultimately the decision is up to you. With nearly every business in every industry going online, it may be time for you to consider it as well.

Stealth has been helping Saskatchewan businesses big and small go online since 2006 and would welcome the opportunity to meet you.

We make websites that stand out… in a good way! Get a Stealth Website; Your Competition Won’t Know What Hit Them!






Saskatoon web design artists making quality websites that Stand Out!
